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What is a Managed Service Provider? 


An organization responsible for managing and delivering services to another organization as per their requirement is called a managed service provider (MSP). The services provided by an MSP typically are ongoing and remote. Traditionally, an MSP was used to manage or deliver information technology (IT) services like infrastructure, security, networking and applications. But a modern-day managed service provider may also manage an organization’s other business needs, customer engagement and vendor management.


At Streamline Networks, we manage all you IT need with a focus on "Cyber Security", and day to day operational services. 

Hourly Services


 It is just that, you call we answer.
Requires agreement under-standing this is a reactive, non proactive solution.

Add-On: Can be linked to Microsoft Manager.

Microsoft Manager


 SPAM Support Manage-ment
 Add/Remove User
 Monthly User Reports
 Alerts Reporting
 Use your own MS 365 licensing or buy ours.

Includes MS Manager plus:

 24x7 Device Monitoring
 Patch Management
 Anti-Virus
 Rep Auto-Connect
 System Ticket Alerting.
 Help Desk 8-5 M-F Est

Includes Bronze plus:

 Network Monitoring
 Outage Reporting
 Network Outage onsite Site Visits
 IT Planning Assistance
 Password Manager

Includes Silver plus:

 Advanced Reporting
 Automated Threat Detec-tion and Response
 Budget Planning and Management
 Named Site Onsite Visits
 New Equipment Setup and Delivery
 Microsoft 365 Cloud Backup
 Microsoft 365 E3 Sub-scription

Includes Gold plus:

 Compliance Management
 Network Firewalling
 Equipment Warehousing
 Equipment Recycling
 Drive Destruction
 IT Solution planning and implementation
 Phones Management
 Basic Security Audits
 Security Awareness Train-ing
 Microsoft 365 E5 sub-scription

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